
Spiral Identification Stripes on Wire

Wire identification is crucial in many industries where multiple wires are being used. One common method of wire identification is through the use of spiral identification stripes. These stripes can be applied to just about any wire or cable with an outer diameter of up to .50 inches.

Most wires are manufactured with restrictions to the standard 10 colors. This can make it difficult to differentiate between wires, especially when multiple wires are being used in close proximity. Striping your wire with spiral identification stripes can help you easily identify your wire, even when you have more than ten wires being used.


Benefits of Spiral Identification Stripes

There are several benefits to using spiral identification stripes on your wire:

  • Easy Identification: By using different colored stripes, you can easily identify each wire, even when they are all the same color.
  • Organization: Spiral identification stripes can help you organize your wires and keep track of which wire is connected to which component.
  • Prevention of Errors: Using spiral identification stripes can help prevent errors in wiring, as you can easily see which wire goes where.
  • Customization: You can choose from a wide range of colors to create custom identification patterns that suit your specific needs.

How It Works

International Wire & Cable's has specialized machines for adding spiral identification stripes in simple and efficient process. We can add up to three stripes per cable, allowing for easy identification of each wire. Whether you need to differentiate between power, data, fire alarm cable or control wires, our spiral stripes can help you keep track of them all.

Our striping service is available for wires and cables of various sizes, up to an outer diameter of .50 inches. No matter the application, we can customize the striping to meet your specific needs.



Spiral identification stripes are a cost-effective and efficient way to identify your wires in situations where multiple wires are being used. Whether you are working on a small DIY project or a large-scale installation, adding stripes to your wires can make a big difference in how easily you can identify and manage them. By using different colored stripes, you can easily differentiate between wires and prevent errors in wiring. Consider using spiral identification stripes on your wires to improve organization and prevent mistakes in your projects.

So next time you find yourself working with multiple wires, consider adding spiral identification stripes to make your job a little bit easier.


Get Started Today

If you're interested in adding spiral identification stripes to your wire or cable, contact us today to learn more about this value-added service. International Wire & Cable's team of experts is here to assist you with all your wire identification needs.

Don't let the confusion of multiple wires slow you down. Take advantage of our spiral identification striping service and streamline your wire management process.

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